What is Family? | Family As Social Institution.
A man is a social animal. He always lives in groups. He can never stay alone for long. A human being is a member of a family from birth to death. Over time, humans realized the benefits of living in groups and formed herds for protection and survival, which eventually led to the creation of family institutions.

Family Is Universal & Fundamental Social Institution.
As George Peter Murdoch says, “The family is a universal and fundamental social institution.” It is a primary and stable social group. Families are formed through marriage and families are based on sexual relations. It has to perform the basic functions of reproduction and upbringing.
The family has played a critical role in the socialization of individuals and the development of societies. It provides a nurturing environment in which children can learn social norms, values, and beliefs. The family also serves as a support system during times of crisis and provides emotional and material support to its members.
What is the origin of the word ‘family’?
The word “family” comes from the Latin word “famulus,” which means servant, and originally referred to a group of people in ancient Rome that included husband and wife, children, and servants. However, family has a different meaning in sociology, and many sociologists have defined it differently.
Best Definition Of Family
According to George Peter Murdoch, “A family is a social group characterized by common residence, economic cooperation and reproduction.It includes adults of both sexes, at least two of whom maintain a socially approved sexual relationship, and one or more of their children of their own or adopted by the sexually cohabiting adults.”
Other sociologists have defined family in different ways. For example, Clare defines family as “a system of relationships existing between parents and children,” while McIver and Page define family as “a group that is based on sexual relations for the production and maintenance of offspring.”
Elliot and Merrill define family as “the biological, social unit composed of husband, wife and children,” while Dr. Mujumdar defines family as “a group of persons who live in the same house, are related by blood, foster a sense of ‘we are all one’ based on mutual interests and a sense of duty towards each other.”
M. F. Nimkoff– (“Family is more or less durable association of husband and wife with or without children or of a man or woman alone with children.”)
In Marathi please click on next link:- कुटुंब ही एक वैश्विक व मुलभूत सामाजिक संस्था | Family Is Universal Fundamental Social Institution.