Types of Family | Different Types Of Families
Family is defined as a system of mutual relations existing between parents and their children. In the previous post, we discussed the various families. In this post, we will explore Types of Family | Different Types Of Families

Types of Family Based on Size/Structure
Joint family or extended family
When people of two or more generations live together, it is called a joint family. Two nuclear families come together to form a joint family.
Nuclear/Modern/Primary family
This family consists of a husband, wife, and their children, with or without children.
Based on Authority
Patriarchal Family System
In this type of family system, the head of the household is the man, and all decisions are made by men. Women have a secondary position in this type of family. Such methods are found all over the world, and the family in India is patriarchal. (Male dominant, female subordinate)
Matriarchal Family System
This type of family system is the exact opposite of a patriarchal family system. That is, the main person in the house is the woman, and all decisions are taken by women as the head of the family. This practice is found in some primitive tribes in North India. (Female dominant, male subordinate)
Based on Residence
In this type, the wife goes to the husband’s house to live permanently after marriage.
In this type, the husband goes to the wife’s house to live permanently after marriage.
Based on Marriage
In this type, one man marries one woman.
In this type, one man marries two or more women.
In this type, one woman marries two or more men.
Based on Ancestry
In this type, the lineage is continued through the father, and genealogy is formed through the father. (Ancestry continues through the father)
In this type, the lineage continues through the mother. Ancestry continues through the mother.
Based on In-group and Out-group
This type of group allows marriage only between members of a group or within a caste. (Sanctions marriage only among members of the in-group)
This type of group allows the marriage of in-group members with out-group members. (Sanctions marriage of members of an in-group with members of an out-group)
Based on Blood Relationships
Conjugal family
This type of family includes a husband and wife, their offspring, and those who become relatives through marriage. (Consists of spouses, their offspring, and relatives through marriage)
Consanguineous family
In this type of family, relatives are connected by blood relation, including blood with spouse and children.
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