Social change | What is change?
Social change is a concept in sociology that refers to alterations in social relationships, social structure, functioning of organizations, and values and beliefs in society.
It involves changes in social organization, statuses, institutions, and social structure. Social change refers to the process of transforming social organization, institutions, and relationships in a society to bring about positive and meaningful impact.

Meaning Of word Change
Change refers to the process of transitioning from one state, condition, or situation to another. It involves a shift or alteration in various aspects of life, such as beliefs, behaviors, systems, environments, or circumstances. It involves a shift or alteration in various aspects of life, such as beliefs, behaviors, systems, environments, or circumstances. Change can occur on personal, social, organizational, or global levels and can be driven by various factors, such as technological advancements, cultural shifts, evolving needs, or external events.
Change can be positive or negative, progressive or regressive, crescent or decrescent, permanent or temporary, planned or unplanned, unidirectional or multidirectional, benefic or malefic, and beneficial or harmful. However, the direction of change is indeterminate and relative, and any kind of social change can be spatially or temporally different.
Meaning Of Concept Social Change
Social change is a continuous process that is inherent in nature and human society. The law of nature is change, and there is no immutable existence on the surface. Changes occur in living things, but also changes are seen in non-living elements. Sun, wind, and rain affect non-living elements, and this change takes place in them. No one can stop this change
Definition of Social Change
There is various definitions of social change have been provided by scholars. According to Harry Johnson, “Social change is a change in social structure.”
Horton and Hunt define social change as “Change in social structure and social relations.”
Kingsley Davies states that “Only changes in the organization of society, i.e., in the structure and functioning of society, are called social change.”
Morris Ginsburg argues that “Changes in attitudes and beliefs must also be included in the term social change, for it is these factors that sustain and change social institutions.”
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