Month: April 2023
Polity as Social Institution | State

A polity, is a fundamental social institution that is essential for human life and society. It functions to maintain peace and order in society through law and is the form or organization of government that manages public or civil affairs and the life of the people. Membership in the state institution is mandatory for people living within its territory, and the government is approvRead More
Characteristic of Family | Function of family

The family institution is a basic and universal social institution that plays an essential role in human life. It can be said that the existence of a human being starts with the family. Characteristic of Family such as limited size, universality, permanently in a relationship, a system of nomenclature, a common habitation, and emotional basis. Characteristic of family Universality Read More
Marriage as a Social Institution

The institution of marriage is a universal social institution, much like the institution of family. It is established to control and regulate the sexual life of human society and is closely related to the family institution. Marriage gives men and women access to family life and creates stable relationships. The sexual relations of a man and a woman united by marriage are accepted Read More
Kinship As Social Institution

Kinship is a vital social institution that is found in human societies across the globe. It is one of the most important organizing components of society, along with family and marriage. Kinship systems bind individuals and groups together and establish relationships between them. Relationships are formed in human society in two ways: marriage and procreation (consanguinity). How bRead More
सामाजिक संस्थांचे स्वतःचे मानदंड, नियम आणि मूल्ये असतात | Social Institutions Has Its Own Set Of Norms, Rules, And Values
सामाजिक संस्था म्हणजे सामाजिक वर्तन आणि नातेसंबंध नियंत्रित करणारी व्यवस्था किंवा संरचना. या संस्थांमध्ये कुटुंब, शिक्षण, धर्म, राजकारण आणि अर्थव्यवस्था यांचा समावेश आहे, पण त्या मर्यादित नाहीत. या प्रत्येक संस्थेचे स्वतःचे मानदंड, नियम आणि मूल्ये आहेत. मानदंड एखाद्या विशिष्ट सामाजिक संस्थेत योग्य मानल्या जाणार्या अपेक्षित वर्तन आणि कृतींचा संदर्भ देतात. उदाहरणार्थ, कौटुंबिक संस्थेRead More
Types of Family | Different Types Of Families

Family is defined as a system of mutual relations existing between parents and their children. In the previous post, we discussed the various families. In this post, we will explore Types of Family | Different Types Of Families Types of Family Based on Size/Structure Joint family or extended family When people of two or more generations live together, it is called a joint family. TRead More
What is Family? | Family As Social Institution.

A man is a social animal. He always lives in groups. He can never stay alone for long. A human being is a member of a family from birth to death. Over time, humans realized the benefits of living in groups and formed herds for protection and survival, which eventually led to the creation of family institutions. Family Is Universal & Fundamental Social Institution. As George PetRead More