What is Associations? | Associations
Associations are organized groups formed to achieve specific interests or goals. They are groups of people who come together voluntarily to pursue a common interest or set of interests.

Definition Of Association
Eubank “An organization deliberately formed for the collective pursuit of some interest which the members of it share is termed as an association”
Maciver and Page – “An association is group organized for the pursuit of an interest or group of interests in common.”
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Some examples of associations include:-
- Mahila Mandal,
- Warkari Mandal,
- Ganesh Mandal,
- Bhajani Mandal,
- Drama Mandal,
- Sports Mandal,
- College,
- Trade Association,
- School,
- Sports Complex,
- Political parties,
- professional societies,
- religious organizations, and
- more, such as the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), International Cricket Council (ICC), and Rotary Club.
Characteristics of Associations
- Associations have common aims and objectives.
- Membership is voluntary.
- It has a specific name, symbols and constitution.
- It are consciously and deliberately formed.
- There is a spirit of cooperation among members of associations.
- The structure is somewhat closed or loose.
- It are temporary in nature