Definition of Society, Types & characteristics
Society refers to a group of people who share a common culture, territory, and institutions. now you can see many scholars Definition of Society.
Definition of Society
Maciver and Page‘s Definition of Society “Society is the web of social relationships”
Wright – “Society is not only a group of people, but the system of relationships between individuals in the group.”
Tischler Whitten and Hunter – “Society is a social system that exists in a broad and comprehensive way. A society mostly has an internal system of recruiting members, it persists from generation to generation, it has a common culture and a specific terrain.”
David Dressler and W.M. Willis’s Definition of Society – “A society is a group of people who share a culture and think of themselves as united” –
Characteristics of Society
1) Society is a system of social relationships.
2) It has a fixed territory.
3) It has a comprehensive culture.
4) It has continuity and is never destroyed.
5) It is an abstract concept based on interdependence and cooperation.
6) It has certain needs, such as the preservation of population, distribution of work, maintenance of social unity, and continuity.
7) It is a broad human group made up of large and small sub-groups.
8) It has a sense of unity and a feeling of belonging.
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Types of Society?

The six different types of societies
As we know, societies have evolved over time, and different societies have been formed based on the main means of survival and their related economic life. So, let’s see each types of societies with explanation.
1) Hunting and food gathering society –
This type of society existed in a very ancient stage of human evolution. The main means of livelihood for this community was hunting and gathering food from the forest. They were small in size and group, and all their needs were met from the forest. Today, similar societies are found in the dense jungles of Africa and the Amazon.
2) Horticultural society
The Horticultural Society is said to have been invented by women. In this society, people lived by creating gardens and agriculture using human power and hand tools. Production was taken only for the needs, and food was collected
3) Pastoral society
The Pastoral Society used to live by animal rearing and animal husbandry. All the basic needs of this society were met through animal husbandry, such as milk, meat, blood, hair, bones, and skin. It was found in large numbers in areas with fodder and water for animals.
4) Agricultural society
The Agricultural Society is a society that cultivates using human power along with animal power using various tools such as plows. In agricultural societies, people produced surplus and sold it. A large number of people gathered on the banks of the river, and over time, big cities and markets were created.
5) Industrial society
The Industrial Society is characterized by the large-scale production of goods through the factory production method using machines and various techniques. It emerged around the world after the industrial revolution. Today, we can identify the Indian society as an industrial society.
6) Post-Industrial Society:
The Post-Industrial society is a service-oriented economy that has emerged after globalization. In India, this type of economy is found in state capitals and metro cities. People get all the facilities sitting at home, and companies like Zomato, Amazon, Google, and many others provide their various services across the country and across the world. This society is dependent on technological progress and is also called neoliberal society.
for distribution within the group.
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