What is Ethnicity | Ethnicity | Characteristics of Ethnicity

What is Ethnicity | Ethnicity | Characteristics of Ethnicity

Society and individuals can be divided into various groups, based on factors such as culture, language, and race. In this post, we will explore the concepts of race and ethnicity, their definitions, and their key characteristics. What is Race? Race is a categorization of people who have been distinguished as either inferior or superior based on real or perceived physical characteriRead More


Caste and Class: Understanding the Differences

Caste and Class: Understanding the Differences

Caste systems and class systems serve as fundamental components of social stratification and social inequality. These two concepts, however, differ significantly. In this post, we’ll explore the distinctions between them in a comparative manner. As Massiver, Davies, and Bottomor have argued in their respective works, class and caste are as opposite as the North and South PoleRead More


Characteristics of the Class System

Characteristics of the Class System

In the class system, there is room for dynamics, making it an open stratification system. People with the same economic status form a class, and within these classes, individuals hold equal positions in the economy. Let’s explore the key Characteristics of the Class System. Key Characteristics of the Class System No Basis of Birth The class system does not hinge on one’Read More


What is Gender? | Gender | Gender in sociology

If you were asked the difference between sex and gender, what would you say? Many might assume they are the same, using the term “Gender” to refer to a person’s sex. But, let’s delve deeper into the concept of gender. and What is Gender ? What is Gender? Gender is often used to refer to the sex of an individual, but it goes beyond mere biology. It’s a Read More


Class System | What is Class

Class System | What is Class

Unlike the caste system, which primarily determines an individual’s position at birth and does not permit mobility, the class system offers a more open approach. In a class system, individuals born into a particular class can, through hard work and achievement, move into a higher class. This characteristic makes the class system relatively open, allowing for social mobility. Read More


Caste System | Caste | Caste System in Sociology

Caste System | Caste | Caste System in Sociology

The caste system is undeniably a distinctive feature of Indian society, deeply rooted in its history and culture for thousands of years. Based on caste, it has given rise to a complex web of social hierarchies. Caste membership is a birthright, and individuals cannot change their caste until their passing. Even if one does not personally adhere to the concept of caste, society ofteRead More


Social Inequality | What is Inequality | What is Social Inequality

Social inequality is a fundamental concept in sociology, encompassing the unequal distribution of power, wealth, prestige, and opportunities in society. This unequal distribution results in disparities among individuals, groups, and society as a whole. One striking example of social inequality is the caste system, which is a distinct feature of Indian society, leading to ongoing diRead More


सामान्यज्ञान आणि समाजशास्त्र | Sociology and Common sense

मागील पोस्ट मध्ये आपण सामान्यज्ञान म्हणजे काय ते पहिले. या पोस्ट मध्ये आपण सामान्यज्ञान आणि समाजशास्त्र यांतील फरक ( Sociology and Common sense ) पहाणर आहोत. सामान्यज्ञान आणि समाजशास्त्र यांतील फरक | Difference in Sociology and Common sense सामान्यज्ञान ( Common sense ) समाजशास्त्र ( Sociology ) 1. सामान्यज्ञान हे वैयक्तिक आणि नैसर्गिक गृहितकांवर आधारित असतात. जे एखाद्या व्यक्तीने Read More


Common Sense in Sociology | सामान्यज्ञान म्हणजे काय?

Common Sense in Sociology | सामान्यज्ञान म्हणजे काय?

समाजशास्त्र हे ज्या गोष्टींचा अभ्यास करते, त्याबद्दल आपल्याला थोडेसे ज्ञान आहे किंवा आपण ते कधी कधी आपल्या आयुष्यात अनुभवले आहे असे वाटते. या गोष्टीकरिता आवश्यक बुद्धिमता आपल्याला आहे, तर मग समाजशास्त्रचा अभ्यास कश्यासाठी करायचे. ते तर सामन्याज्ञानच आहे. (Many people believe that sociology is just common sense). सामन्याज्ञानद्वारे व्यक्तींकडील आलेले ज्ञान हे काहीवेळा अचूक असले तरी,Read More


मुख्यमंत्री महिला सक्षमीकरण अभियान | Chief Minister Women Empowerment Mission

राज्यातील महिलांना समाजाच्या मुख्य प्रवाहात आणण्यासाठी आणि त्यांना रोजगाराभिमुख शिक्षण प्रशिक्षण त्याचबरोबर आवश्यक मदत करून स्वतःच्या पायावर उभे राहता यावे तसेच राज्यातील महिलांविषयक असणाऱ्या सर्व लोकाभिमुख शासकीय योजनांची अंमलबजावणी गतिमान करण्यासाठी ‘मुख्यमंत्री महिला सक्षमीकरण अभियान’ महाराष्ट्र राज्यात राबविण्यात येणार आहे. मुख्यमंत्री एकनाथ शिंदे यांच्या नेतृत्वाखाली उपमुख्यमंRead More
