What is Ethnicity | Ethnicity | Characteristics of Ethnicity
Society and individuals can be divided into various groups, based on factors such as culture, language, and race. In this post, we will explore the concepts of race and ethnicity, their definitions, and their key characteristics.

What is Race?
Race is a categorization of people who have been distinguished as either inferior or superior based on real or perceived physical characteristics. These characteristics may include skin color, hair texture, eye shape, and other attributes. The human race can be broadly divided into three groups due to migration and intermarriage across the world:
Characterized by black skin.
Exhibiting pale yellow to brown skin tones and distinctive eye features.
Comprising individuals with fair skin and often blue eyes, primarily from Europe.
Negroid and Dravidian.
It’s important to note that Indians, due to their diverse ancestry, represent a mixed race, influenced by various ethnic groups such as Negroid and Dravidian.
What is Ethnicity?
Ethnicity pertains to a group of people who share a common cultural heritage. This shared heritage encompasses cultural characteristics, language, clothing, food, and values.
Key Characteristics of Ethnic Groups or Ethnicity
Shared Identity
Ethnic groups consist of individuals who share a common cultural identity.
Distinctive Cultural Heritage
Each ethnic group possesses a unique cultural heritage
Common Language
Members of an ethnic group typically share a common language or dialect.
Similar Lifestyle
A shared way of life, including traditions and customs, is often a hallmark of ethnic groups.
Shared Religion, History, and Philosophy
Ethnic groups may have common religious beliefs, historical narratives, and philosophical outlooks.
Common Nation of Origin
Many ethnic groups trace their origins to a specific geographic region or nation.
Homogeneity in Food, Attire, and Values
Members of an ethnic group often exhibit similarities in their cuisine, clothing, and value systems.
Diverse Practices of Savings
Different ethnic groups may have distinct practices when it comes to saving and financial management.